OnTuesday, November 15th, STORM opened its doors to welcome the media and fitness enthusiasts at STORM Maroussi, which was hosted at Holmes Place Maroussi Club. Holmes Place, as an official supporter of the Hellenic Olympic Committee, welcomed the President of the Hellenic Olympic Committee, Mr Spyros Kapralos, as well as members of the Hellenic Pre-Olympic Team.
Theguests received a tour of the brand new space, getting a good taste of the STORM Bootcamp workout and the Studio’s energy, while watching a video display of the top athletes of the Hellenic Olympic Committee: Evangelia Platanioti, Dora Gkountoura, Pavlos Kagialis and Giannis Orfanos testing their limitsin an amazing STORM Session.
Give STORM a try in a one-of-a-kind training experience with 1 FREE STORM Session, as well as training packages to suit your own pace and lifestyle.